
My Campus is a free field trip event that aims to expose local middle and high school 猎奇重口s to careers in the health professions. Participants are introduced to various health careers through engaging in hands-on activities, exploring the simulation center and interacting with LLU 猎奇重口s and faculty. 

The CAPS Team works directly with school sites and school districts to facilitate My Campus events. The program is held on the LLU campus on four Fridays per school year from 9am - 1:30pm. 


October 2024 - FULL

December 2024 - Open

February 2025 - FULL

April 2025 - Open


Loma Linda University


Registration: Free

We ask that schools provide transportation and lunch if possible. 

How to Apply

School sites or school districts can reach out to the CAPS Office at caps@llu.edu or the CAPS Director at tpope@llu.edu to inquire about scheduling a My Campus event for their 猎奇重口s. CAPS typically hosts 4 events per year and can accommodate up to 80 猎奇重口s at each event.

Volunteer With Us

As an LLU 猎奇重口 volunteer, you have the chance to mentor and inspire underrepresented 猎奇重口s by sharing your education journey. Sign up on our , or learn more by emailing us.

Support Our Work

The My Campus program is committed to supporting underserved 猎奇重口s in our community by helping them explore exciting, rewarding careers in health. You can help us make a difference by making a tax-deductible donation. today.


24945 Mound St.
Room 1402
Loma Linda, CA 92350

An Introduction to the Health Professions