Kinzer-Rice Award Committee

  • Composition - each school's academic dean or designated representative and award recipients

Award Cycle

  • Every two years

Invitation and Due Date for 2022 Nominations

  • Call for nominations: October 8, 2021
  • Last day for submission of nominations: November 3, 2021


  • Nominator (ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú or faculty member)
    Complete the for a full-time faculty member by November 3, 2021.

  • Faculty Nominee (includes previous nominees)
    Complete the by November 17, 2021. Completion of this form includes:

    • Brief statement of your teaching and learning objectives along with implementation strategies, addressing as many of the award criteria as possible (see the table below)
    • Current Curriculum Vitae
    • Name and contact information for three individuals familiar with your teaching effectiveness (1 LLU faculty member, 1 current LLU ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú, and 1 former LLU ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú) 
    • Evidence examples (optional)
  • Faculty and Students Contacted for Recommendations
    Complete the by December 8, 2021.

  • Kinzer-Rice Award Committee
    Review the qualifications of all nominees and select a recipient for the award.

Award Criteria & Evidence Examples

Award Criteria Description and Evidence Examples
Provides effective educational presentations 

Brings an evidence-based approach to planning campus learning events, whether online or face-to-face, including a variety of settings—clinical, laboratory, classroom; provides presentations on teaching and learning to the specialty field—regional, national and international conferences

Evidence: Peer support and evaluations of teaching report; ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú feedback indicating exceptional learning; course evaluations; portfolio submissions

Actively seeks to improve teaching effectiveness 

Attends faculty development events—campus, online, and at conferences; conducts research on teaching effectiveness; utilizes a variety of instructional strategies; conducts active assessment and closes the loop in the classroom; seeks peer feedback and evaluations of teaching; uses ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú evaluation data to plan for enhanced learning

Evidence: Listing of events attended; teaching plans and/or videos of classroom activities; ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú comments on pedagogical innovations and effectiveness; peer observation notes 

Pursues educational scholarship

Studies literature and research on effective teaching in their field of study; experiments with innovative curriculum applications; gives presentations and presents posters related to teaching and education at local, regional, national, and/or international meetings; does research and collects data on teaching enhancement and shares with the community

Evidence: CV entries; certificates of completion of online programs; courses completed or audited; publications submitted or accepted; summaries of participant evaluation of pedagogical presentations

Encourages colleagues' and ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús’ teaching effectiveness

Collaborates on teaching/learning strategies with colleagues; mentors graduate ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús; presents faculty development sessions in various settings; maintains membership in department, school, or all-campus faculty development committees, participates as a colleague in the LLU Formative Dialogues program

Evidence: Colleague’s letters describing how nominee encouraged and coached them on increasing teaching effectiveness; presentations at faculty development sessions in any setting; member of faculty development committee at any level; LLU Formative Dialogues program notes

Contributes to ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú
long-range success 

Maintains positive ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú relations and connections to ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús over time; acts as a resource for ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús transitioning from school to profession; continues to mentor and advise ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús over the long term

Evidence: communications to and from ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús; testimonials; involvement with ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú advisement throughout ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú programs; alumni relations records

Integrates LLU's 
Mission-focused Learning
(MFL) into teaching

Addresses LLU MFL in course syllabi and in course Canvas shell; integrates faith in God and course content in relevant and meaningful ways; orients and prepares ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús for lives of service exemplifying LLU’s core values; puts an emphasis on health and wholeness informed by the Adventist perspective.

Evidence: MFL integrated into course discussion questions; shows kindness, patience, concern, helpfulness, service, and personal interest in ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús; course syllabi demonstrating MFL integration; ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú testimonials; communications to and from ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús of showing care and support; gives class devotional presentations; provides prayer circles and/or discussions for spiritual support

Kinzer-Rice Award Main Page