Loma Linda University Factbook


The LLU Factbook provides links to reports across LLU’s operations. It is presented as an interactive compilation of informative dashboards based on standardized requests. The LLU Factbook is maintained by the Office of Educational Effectiveness under the guidance of the Provost’s Office. Specific access to a report and questions should be addressed to the Office of Educational Effectiveness at ir@llu.edu.

Student – Applications, Enrollment, & Success

  • Inquiries, apps in process, submitted applications, acceptances, and enrollment.

  • Academic term application and admission trends for undergraduate, graduate, and professional ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ús by school, level, program, and demographic.

  • Degrees awarded by level and category.

  • Census counts by academic year and term. Multiple demographic filters.

  • Rates for entering cohorts. Filters include degree, program, and demographics

  • Public Dashboard

  • Persistence trend by program and demographic.

Faculty/Staff – Appointments & Demographics

Reports profile faculty and non-faculty staff in the most recent Fall census and display demographic and appointment trends over the past ten years.  Comparisons by gender, race/ethnicity, full/part time status, tenure status (for faculty), appointment type, and age are available.

Finance – Tuition & Fees

  • Tuition and fee trend by school, department, program.

Research – Grants, Publications, & Libraries

  • Submissions and Awards

  • Titles, Authors, and Abstracts

Student Experience – ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú, Assessment, & Surveys

  • Advisor Ratios
    Courses Taught
    Units Taught

  • AMS Action Plans
    AMS Outcomes
    Inventory of Educational Effectiveness Indicators (IEEI)

  • Climate
    Mission-Focused Learning


Institutional Research - Services & Support


Assist decision-making and educational effectiveness efforts with data that provides for validation, intervention and prediction.

Fulfill data requests from local, state and federal agencies.



  • Compiling and disseminating historical data on enrollment and ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú success including degrees conferred and retention & graduation rates
  • Conducting ad hoc studies on significant policy issues
  • Maintaining a compendium of statistics on faculty and staff
  • Conducting and analyzing ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú and alumni surveys
  • Institutional reporting and administrative policy analysis
  • Strategic planning, enrollment and financial management
  • Outcomes assessment, program review, accountability, accreditation and institutional effectiveness